When I became the convenor of ECAL in July 2013, I really picked up again from where I was in May 2002 when I gathered 30 European apostolic leaders for a meeting in Norway, upon the assignment of C.Peter Wagner. We had a broad gathering even then, including global apostles as diverse as Dr. Wagner, Chuck Pierce, John Kelly and Naomi Dowdy. Immediately afterwards I hosted conferences in Oslo which also included apostles such as Ed Silvoso, Che Ahn, Cindy Jacobs, Dominic Yeo, George Bakalov. That is the way ICA (since 2013 ICAL) was birthed in 1999. A broad, inclusive movement. Not narrow.
Since July 2013, I have worked my heart out to acknowledge and include true apostolic leaders from different streams and emphases in European Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. We are actually succeeding at this. I have ministered in 20 European nations in 20 months, and we are gaining momentum. We believe that the Holy Spirit is instilling GREATNESS in every apostle in Europe.
I am learning every day. One of my mistakes in the first 12 months of my convenorship was to communicate the excellent slogan "Apostolically led, Prophetically influenced" in a too narrow way. Some of the things that I communicated were limiting. We love and affirm prophetic input in ECAL!
When ICA was formed in 1999, with Dr. Peter Wagner as the presiding apostle until 2010, it was to achieve great things together. John Kelly was at first executive apostle, but from 2001 his role changed to ambassadorial apostle. The ICA executive leadership was made up of Peter & Doris Wagner, Chuck Pierce and John Kelly.
Great apostles were on board. Every year at the ICA annual gatherings we could expect to hear and interact with great leaders such as Wagner, John Kelly, Naomi Dowdy, Bill Hamon, Ed Silvoso, Cindy Jacobs, Barbara Wentroble, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder and several others. That is what ICAL is all about. Our raison d´etre. We were from the beginning a covenant-based movement, meaning that we all believe in and practice covenant relationships. We were inclusive and affirming.
One of the practical examples of this inclusivenes was how Wagner affirmed Ed Silvoso´s new initiative International Transformation Network, Chuck Pierce´s Global Spheres, John Kelly´s International Christian Wealth-Builders Foundation (ICWBF) etc. Wagner´s greatness ensured that great leaders had space and opportunity. He was never threathened by the success and influence of others, and had no need to control.
Ed Silvoso, Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs should belong in ICAL. And many others. Wagner´s new initiative, "Association of Apostolic Centers", is welcome! Many of our members in the US and globally are affirming this clarion call from the Holy Spirit through Dr. Wagner. The great wisdom of apostles Dennis Peacocke, Joe Mattera, Lance Wallnau, Dale Bronner, Robert Morris, Ron Cottle, Mark Pfeifer & more deserve to be promoted. But not just the Americans. ICA started in Singapore! It is a global movement, and must be treated as such. We don´t want to reduce ICAL to be a network of one or two apostles.
In Latin America, Fernando Guillen embodies the power of the Apostolic Movement. He represents ICAL as Latin America Facilitator, Wagner Leadership Institute (now led by Che Ahn) as Chancellor, and Global Spheres (led by Chuck Pierce), and he hosts Cindy Jacobs in Latin American events. This is the raison d´etre of ICAL.
In Brazil, the global apostle Rene Terra Nova has formed a national coalition of apostolic leaders that includes all the main apostles and streams. This is the raison d´etre of ICAL.
ECAL is promoting the broad and inclusive Apostolic Movement all the way. We are helping the developments in diverse nations and regions such as the Balkans, Germany, Great Britain & more. This is the raison d´etre of ICAL.
Recently, Dr. Wagner wrote an email to me to encourage me for my writings and convenorship in Europe: "I was thrilled as I read your articles. I think it is the best summary of where we are as a movement at the present time. Your research and writing are excellent. I am glad that you are our European leader." Needless to say, I am honored and grateful to be encouraged by such a great apostolic father, instead of being alienated. Simply because I stand for the raison d´etre of ICAL. I have not agreed with Peter Wagner about everything, and he is well aware of that. But the mark of a great leader is that he encourages input and assessments that might even disagree with him. That´s Peter Wagner!
At the ICAL annual gathering in Dallas in November 2014, I spoke on "Components of a Movement". My positive and constructive insights might have provoked. (Watch for yourself: Totally respectful and honorable, that´s the only way.) We are apostles, and should have the freedom to convey perspectives, otherwise we are not apostles. This is the only way for a true Apostolic Movement. Attached is a short video clip where I talked about the broadness of the Apostolic Movement. Please note what I said about the handing over of the baton from Peter Wagner to John Kelly in 2010. A healthy Wagner-Kelly Axis ensures that ICAL maintains the broad and acknowledging scope and mandate. Such a movement will not become obsolete.