As a continent with a historical blend of the best and the worst, I believe that we as Europeans must choose the HIGH road as we relate with the Global Church and Apostles. The time for domination and control is definitively over! The simple truth is that we need the Global Church!
Paul Gitwaza with several of the African apostles, plus one "muzungu"My Danish friend Knud Jørgensen, former Executive Director of "Areopagos" and professor in Missiology at Norwegian School of Theology, as well as Dean of Tao Fong Shan in Hongkong, and even one of the global leaders of the Lausanne Movement, recently made a profound observation in "Liv og Lys":
"It is the growing Southern and Eastern Christianity that will dominate, and this again will have great political, social and religious consequences. The next Christendom will geographically speaking be found in the South, and it will be very different than our present Western. It will be much more "Conservative" Evangelical, much more Bible-oriented, and more Pentecostal-Charismatic. Theology from the South will dominate, and there are indications that we could expect from there a renewal of theology and Church life."
Europeans have colonized the world, and eventually we lost that control. We did much good, but also much bad.
[VID 1]Even the European Church has exported the best, and the worst.
Hopefully, we are now finding the balance.
I love the Global Church! Within the past 12 months I have ministered for the great apostles Nirut Changoen (Thailand), Rene Terra Nova (Brazil), and Paul Gitwaza (Rwanda). They are the movers and shakers of the world, and their spiritual vitality and authority is way beyond what I see in the Western world, i.e. in USA and Europe. We have reason to listen, learn, respect, and receive.
Two months ago, I was the only "muzungu" (=white man) apostle in the band of African apostles that Paul Gitwaza brought together to minister at his All-Africa conference. What a privilege and honor! As Westerners, we need to approach these relationships with the utmost respect and appreciation, even if we still might have greater financial powers.
The words of my Danish professor friend Knud Jørgensen must be heeded. The Church is changing, even the Apostolic Movement. Please, let´s wake up!