Newsworthy/Prophet Rich Vera is coming back to Norway

Prophet Rich Vera is coming back to Norway

EAL Media
April 16, 2023
Prophet Rich Vera is coming back to NorwayJan-Aage Torp & Rich Vera (Photo Credits: EAL)

The prophet Rich Vera has agreed to visit a number of Norwegian cities to hold revival meetings, but the dates have not been set.

- It would be wrong of us to announce new dates. We are waiting for the Lord's timing - the right time! emphasizes EAL's president Jan-Aage Torp.

- For a few months we had planned a visit by Rich Vera in May, he says. - But this week we talked and both experienced that the month of May is too early, so we postponed the visit.

Rich Vera wrote in a WhatsApp message:

«Hi .. I been feeling in my spirit is not the timing ⏱️.. I was goinf to reach out to you after I prayed some. Let’s put a hold on all my visit and wait for the Lord to deal with the heart of the people and leaders .. then we go at right  timing. Is about following the Spirit .. the timing is not now .. is what I been feeling and today u confirm it .. we will come back and have revival.»

- A prophet's ministry is not least about the right timing, emphasizes Jan-Aage.

- That's what it's like to work with a true prophet. Rich Vera is not ruled by money or popularity or opposition.

Exceptional Fruits

Jan-Aage Torp adds: - We have a unique relationship with Rich Vera. The fruits of his ministry in Norway are exceptional. I was present at three conferences that TV Visjon Norge organized with him in Mjøndalen & Drammen in March 2019, May 2019 and January 2020, and there was an accuracy in the prophecies that lacks parallel. I personally know many of the stories.

- In the EAL conference in Kristiansand on September 29th-October 2nd, 2022 it was just as wonderful. On Monday we heard from Pastor Käthe Annbjørg Kristoffersen in Living Water about transformed lives and salvations that have come through Rich Vera's ministry. The prophet's words live and are working six months later, and will continue to work, Jan-Aage continues.

Not «Cuddle Prophet»

- The special thing about Rich Vera is that he is not a «cuddle prophet» who speaks as we request and pay for. Rich conveys words from God's heart that pierce hearts and establish a new order, and of course not everyone is so happy about that.

- The fact that he is Argentinian «macho» is unfamiliar to Norwegians 😁, and is a challenge for some, while many love it. We must learn to accept prophetic words, regardless of the packaging, says Jan-Aage emphatically.

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