Newsworthy/«Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» In Stockholm

«Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» In Stockholm

Jan-Aage Torp, EAL Media
April 06, 2024
«Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» In StockholmAlbert Veksler, the President of «Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast», led an excellent political panel with MK Ohad Tal (Religious Zionism) and MK Simon Davidson (Yesh Atid) as well as former MK Robert Ilatov (Yisrael Beiteinu). Photo credits: Oslokirken.

History was made in a hotel in Stockholm during the past two days when 400 societal leaders from all walks of life in Sweden, including appr. 30 from neighbours Norway, Finland and Estonia, came together to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Member of Knesset Simon Davidson from the Yesh Atid party in Israel´s Parliament, Knesset, said it all when he transparently shared that he had felt joy for the first time since the Hamas atrocities and massacres of October 7th. - Meeting the love, comfort and unity of Swedish Christians and Jews here last night, gave me a new sense of hope which I will bring back with me to Jerusalem, he declared on Friday morning.

Christians and Jews

The words of Simon Davidson summed up what the «Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» is all about since the beginning in 2016.

It all started in 2016 when former Knesset member Robert Ilatov, who at that time was a chairman of Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), and Albert Veksler, who had made aliyah from Estonia to Israel in 2003, agreed that they needed to bring Jews and Christians together in prayer. Ilatov went to Israel´s President Reuven Rivlin (2014-2021), who gave his wholehearted blessing and support on behalf of the State of Israel, and they started immediately. Every summer this is held in Jerusalem.

«Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» In StockholmRabbi Yehudah Glick (photo credits: Oslokirken)

But then they started holding similar editions of the «Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» in other nations as well. First was London, and this week was the 20th edition in Stockholm, Sweden.

Albert Veksler declared in the opening session that great things happen when Jews and Christians pray together in unity!

Shabbat meal

Among the main attractions was the Jewish rabbi Yehudah Glick and his wife Hadassah who gave an insightful, practical introduction to the Shabbat meal, showing that it all centers around God, family and the kids.

«Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» In StockholmMember of Knesset Ohad Tal (Religious Zionism) met with Risto Huvila who was a host of «Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast» in Helsinki in 2019 and EAL´s president Jan-Aage Torp who he often meets in The Knesset regarding Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), Photo credits: Oslokirken.

There were several greetings from the two Knesset members - Ohad Tal and Simon Davidson - who had made the trip from Israel. They were also received in the Swedish Parliament, Riksdagen, and members of the Swedish national assembly participated in the actual prayer events.

Swedish Oasis priest Hans Weichbrodt, as well as a number of Swedish Christian and Jewish leaders from many denominations, participated as speakers.

Oslo next?

Albert Veksler more than hinted in the closing session last night that Oslo might be the next stop for the «Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast». That would be the 21st city.

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