Pastor Jan-Aage Torp is going to New York this week to be present for a few days during the UN's 79th General Assembly which started Tuesday.
- I am in New York to stand up as a voice for the many Norwegians and Europeans who want the UN to confirm Israel's right to exist and to defend itself after Hamas' atrocities, Hezbollah's threats, and Iran's terrorist plans to wipe out Israel. It is important that the Lord's servants from Norway and European nations are bold in our recognition of Israel and that we repent on behalf of our peoples for our failures against God's covenant people in the time after 7 October 2023.
- The Norwegian government will use the UN podium to continue its legitimization of the terrorists in Hamas and the corrupt Palestinian Authority. This is a shame and a scandal. I will use every opportunity in New York to speak against the Norwegian government, says Jan-Aage Torp, who is president of European Apostolic Leaders (EAL).
- I am also very concerned about important issues that will be focused during the general assembly, such as nuclear disarmament and the climate, emphasizes Torp.
- But what concerns me the most is the vote that will be held in a few days where the UN General Assembly will vote on a proposal from the president of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas, to order Israel to move within six months from all of Judea & Samaria and East Jerusalem. There are many indications that the proposal will receive support from the majority of the UN's 193 states. Fortunately, resolutions in UN General Assemblies are not binding, but only advisory. It is the UN Security Council that can make binding decisions, but even there, one of the five permanent members - China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States - can veto a decision in the Security Council. This has saved Israel over a number of years, Torp states, and we must pray that US President Joe Biden does not fail during the last months of his presidency, which ends on January 20, 2025.
Torp says that EAL is unequivocal in our support for Judea & Samaria and all of Jerusalem belonging to Israel: - We believe that the result of the UN vote and the subsequent decisions by the Israeli government will be that the Palestinian Authority loses its legitimacy, and that a completely new governance structure will be established in Judea & Samaria and Gaza where Israel's security is safeguarded and Jews, Arabs and Druze can live well together in Israel.
During the days in New York, Jan-Aage Torp will take part in a number of committee meetings and strategic prayer initiatives.