Newsworthy/21 Parliamentarians came to Israel - called Iran an «Obstacle to Peace»

21 Parliamentarians came to Israel - called Iran an «Obstacle to Peace»

EAL Media
March 13, 2024
21 Parliamentarians came to Israel - called Iran an «Obstacle to Peace»11 European parliamentarians discussing with IAF´s Europe director Leo van Doesburg (photo credits: Oslokirken) 21 Parliamentarians came to Israel - called Iran an «Obstacle to Peace»In JERUSALEM: Pastor Jan-Aage Torp chatting with Foreign Minister Israel Katz (photo credits: Oslokirken)

Last week's conference in Jerusalem of Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) with parliamentarians from 21 nations was the largest political delegation to come to Israel after October 7.

- One of the most important things that happened during the meeting, where 21 chairmen from 21 of our 53 parliamentary caucuses around the world had travelled to Israel for this event, was the joint statement of our chairmen on Iran, the Oslochurch pastor Jan-Aage Torp points out to Norge IDAG.

During the conference, the delegation signed a resolution against Iran - which could not be misunderstood.

- The resolution condemns Iran's role as a sponsor of terrorism, especially for the country's role in the October 7 massacre, emphasizes Torp.

Obstacles to Peace

The resolution calls for immediate sanctions against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. In addition, the resolution demands that the hostages still held captive by Hamas be released, and that Hamas be referred to as a terrorist organization.

The conclusion reached by the delegates gathered in Jerusalem is that Iran and its partners are an obstacle to peace in the Middle East.

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21 Parliamentarians came to Israel - called Iran an «Obstacle to Peace»FRIENDS OF ISRAEL: Here, the 21 parliamentarians from 21 nations receiving a statuette for their clear support of Israel in their nations (photo credits: Oslokirken)

The Norwegian Advisory Board Member of Israel Allies Foundation Europe, Jan-Aage Torp, tells Norge IDAG that IAF´s goal is to have representatives in every parliament of the world.

- The entire program was designed so that the parliamentary chairmen would gain optimal insight into the situation in Israel today. We had several ministers of the Israeli government with us. This was the largest political delegation that has visited Israel since October 7, says Torp.

An Iron Dome

Following the conference, the headline in Jerusalem Post was: «Are the Christians Israel's diplomatic 'Iron Dome?'»,referring to the rocket shield «The Iron Dome».

- Faith-based diplomacy is Israel's strongest weapon in our diplomatic arsenal, said President of Israel Allies Foundation, Dr. Josh Reinstein, in a statement to Jerusalem Post in the wake of the conference.

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