Aina & I went through some lean years in our nation Norway in which we were isolated because of media slander and betrayal.
We had for years been giving away our best insights and resources, with little or no reciprocity and mutuality from brothers and sisters in Christ, and hardly any from ministers.
But during the past three years, this has changed, and we are increasingly building together with brothers and sisters in Christ in Norway. Now we are together with key apostles and prophets bringing transformation to our nation! We share our resources in the media, in knowledge, in relationships, in finances etc.
This is a micro-version of what EAL is all about on the macro-scale.
The purpose and values of European Apostolic Leaders (EAL) are derived from the original basis of International Coalition of Apostles (ICA), which was established in Singapore in 1997 by some global apostles of great vision, led by Dr. C. Peter Wagner, who served as ICA´s first President, until he retired in 2010. Worldchangers like Ed Silvoso and Lawrence Khong were a part of the founding group of ICA.
EAL is at the core and foundation a movement to connect each member’s wisdom and resources in order to function more strategically, combine our efforts globally, and effectively accelerate the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth into every sphere of society. This is expressed in our foundational document.
I am passionate about this, and EAL is increasingly learning how to build together - As ONE! We should not only be talking, but we need to be doing.
At our First Annual Gathering in Athens, Greece in January 2014, I declared in my welcome speech that «Apostles achieve GREAT THINGS!» But I underscored that we should HELP EACH OTHER, otherwise we will be limited and fragmented.
At that First Annual Gathering in Athens, George & Evi Markakis of Greece stepped up and did a selfless job of helping us to organize the meeting. Without George & Evi´s tireless efforts in practical service as well as spiritual presence, EAL would not have made it past our first hurdle.
At our lowest point from November 2015 to April 2016, Marshall Cross of Scotland put all his resources into establishing EAL firmly in Europe with his money, time, and practical resources. Without Marshall´s heart and commitment in that pivotal time, I have no doubt that we would have folded.
In practical terms, we need to invite each other. We need to visit each other. We need to share vision and ideas, opportunities and challenges. We need to support each other with our resources. It is not a one-way «relationship» in which I take/borrow everything from you and never give anything back. It is not good to view EAL as a place to secure personal invitations for your preaching calendar, and then contributing nothing until next year´s gathering. Even to support EAL´s work financially is an absolute necessity.
The dictionary gives clarity on the words RECIPROCITY and MUTUALITY:
reciprocity = the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another. (Ref: Oxford)
mutuality = the sharing of a feeling, action, or relationship between two or more parties. (Ref: Oxford)
The Holy Bible is strong about RECIPROCITY and MUTUALITY. Read some verses here:
Matthew 7:12:
«In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets».
2 Corinthians 8:14:
«at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality».
Ephesians 4:32:
«Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you».
Luke 6:31:
«Treat others the same way you want them to treat you».
As EAL is passing the SEVEN year mark - SEVEN signifying completion and perfection - we are seeing more of RECIPROCITY and MUTUALITY among us. Let us focus on that!