When the Lord spoke to me in June 2013 while Aina & I were visiting with Greek apostles George & Evi Markakis in Athens, Greece about bringing together apostles from all corners of Europe for vibrant annual gatherings, I asked Him what the meetings should focus on.
His answer was simple and straightforward, and surprised me: «Love & Vision».
Our first three annual gatherings were held in Athens, Greece in January 2014, in Lisbon, Portugal in March 2015, and in Oslo, Norway in March 2016. The fourth will be held on April 4th-7th, 2017 (in Legnica, Poland.
When people ask me what the focus will be, the answer is always the same: «Love & Vision».
In addition we also have thematic concentrations such as «As One for Europe», «Seven Mountain Mandate», «New Apostolic Reformation» etc. But always the undergirding focus is «Love & Vision».
Every apostle in Europe needs love & vision, that´s why!