ECAL Convenor Jan-Aage Torp rejoices in the remarkable unity in the understanding and appreciation of foundational tenets of our faith that has developed worldwide in the broad charismatic-pentecostal-apostolic movement.
The charismatic-pentecostal-aposto
In spite of all its variations and special emphases in different ministries, traditions, cultures and regions, it is remarkably unified and coherent.
It is actually possible today to speak about a Charismatic Theology worldwide - in central tenets of our faith.
Among doctrines that unite us are the Triune Godhead, Christology, Salvation, Justification, the Scriptures, the Great Commission, spiritual gifts, miracles, 5-fold ministers etc. - represented by men & women of God as diverse as Reinhard Bonnke, Benny Hinn, Jack Hayford, Brother Yun, Enoch Adeboye, and Brian Houston. And including diverse movements such as AG, Oase in Norway, Charisma Magazine, God TV, YWAM, and European Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ECAL).
It is a reason for joy! Jesus' prayer for true unity is being fulfilled!