In my apostolic work around the world, both as a convenor of ECAL and representing our own network, it never ceases to amaze me how great the Apostolic Movement really is!
As I said in my message "Components of an Apostolic Movement" at the ICAL annual meeting in Dallas on November 12th, 2014:
We must never think that the Apostolic Movement is only ICAL! The apostolic can never be confined to one man, one church, one network, or one organization. If we try that, then we will miss what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing in the world today! The ICA founders in Singapore in 1999 acted on a mandate by the Holy Spirit to bring apostles together from all over the world, so that we can enrich each other, share our wisdom and resources, and acknowledge the anointing and giftings that Christ has given to His Church!
I am so thrilled to see what the Holy Spirit is doing in the world today through apostles like Rene Terra Nova (Brazil), the Hornung´s (Peru), Paul Gitwaza (Rwanda), Wale Adefarasin (Nigeria), Sandor Nemeth (Hungary), Naomi Dowdy and Kong Hee (Singapore), Nirut Chandkorn (Thailand), C. Peter Wagner and John P. Kelly (USA) & more.
The Apostolic Movement is BROAD: We work together within the 7 Spheres of Culture ("7 Mountain Mandate": Arts & Entertainment, Media, Education, Government, Business, Family, Religion), the 4R Vision (Restoration, Reconciliation, Revival, Reformation), the AIM Strategy (Acknowledge, Instruct, Measure) and other paradigms that the Holy Spirit is giving. And more paradigms will come, because APOSTLES ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS, and that has been the case since the Patristic Church!
It impresses me how EXPANSIVE the Apostolic Movement is today:
The statistician David B.Barrett has estimated that apostolic-pentecostal-charismatics will have reached 740 million human beings by the year 2025. Virtually all dynamic growth happens in congregations and movements that are often called “neo-pentecostal”, “neo-charismatic”, “the third wave”, or as Dr. C. Peter Wagner puts it: “The New Apostolic Reformation”. Even local churches in historical denominations make dramatic changes with the goal of experiencing reformation and growth. It is by no means so that Christianity grows rapidly just because lutherans, catholics and methodists speak a little in tongues, prophesy and pray for the sick. Growth happens with costly consequences of faith!
Our growing network, "Apostolicleaders", which Aina & I establshed in May 2013 here in Oslo, Norway has the firm basic conviction that we are a part of a VICTORIOUS MOVEMENT. That is apostolic!