Today I was at Grand Hotel in Oslo to participate for the fourth year in a row as an invited guest for the celebration of Saudi Arabia´s 94th anniversary as an independent nation. Aina & jeg were especially invited by Ambassador Khaled Alsharif. Sadly Mrs. Aina could not come due to a passing illness for the pastor family´s little daughter. The celebration was for ambassadors and Norwegian politicians, business leaders and leaders of civil society. And a pastor couple....
I had a very good chat with Ambassador Khaled Alsharif, and we agreed to do a couple of things together in coming days.— at Saudi-Arabias ambassade i Oslo.
I also had good chats with the ambassadors of Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, the Philippines, India, Jordan, Italy, and Venezuela, as well as with the vice ambassadors of Ukraine and USA.
Oslokirken prays for peace and blessing over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!